I will repeat it again and again. I cannot for the life of me understand why these people are trying to cripple the country they profess to love. What are their motives? What end state are they trying to achieve? What is it that they are anticipating and trying to prevent? What is the long game here? Are they obeying someone else's bidding? So many questions and none that anyone can explain.

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Several interests see an opportunity. Trump has long been tutored by Putin who uses Trumps ambition to promise him power.

Trump is also aligned with the Christian hard right who want the US to be a “Christian country”… The idea of using religion to achieve political power is an historical method of gaining control. Some are true believers while others give religion lip-service in return for power.

Controlling government has also long been the goal of the very rich who want to use the people and resources of the US to become even richer. They want to get rid of environmental, financial and Human resources to give them the unfettered ability to make money.

Power, money and religion. It’s a story as old as human history.

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You can never keep bad ideas down for long. Hegelian bad infinite anyone?

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Michael, I would think that by now it would be clear that virtually ALL tRump’s and especially muskrat’s actions in some way reinforce and support the reduction of any kind of oversight or regulation of business and their ability to do what they wants and hire who they want for however little they are willing to pay. In tRump’s case he often doesn’t pay those doing work for him at all - he stiffs them, lawyers included. They want to continue if not accelerate the movement of the bulk of our nation’s and the world’s money into their own coffers. This is what keeps the likes of Bezos and Zuckerburg and Murdock, etc, let alone the entire Republican partyy bending their knees to tRump. They are building the ultimate oligarchic dictatorship.

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It would appear so. Sometimes it feels like the Dark Ages 2.0

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Each update I read there are just so many things to talk about , I will take two today. The traitor now wanting his own holiday , you have got to be kidding me , next he will be starting construction on his face on MT Rushmore . Second , this love affair between Trump and Putin has me very nervous, this relationship should have everyone very concerned. Not just our standing with our European allies but throwing the brave Ukraines under the bus. Putin is a ruthless war criminal whose demise can’t come quick enough. I used to be so proud to be an American , the flag would go up outside first thing every morning but the pain I feel for our country has the flag sitting idle until democracy takes hold again and we have our country back.

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